… a documentary about faith, love, hope & rock’n roll
Just as music could be described as a universal language, so the longing for spiritual depth is the pursuit of humanity. Regardless of tribe or tongue, people countlessly regard music and spirituality to be closely linked. Join us as we follow five different artists from four continents, each with a zeal for music and a passion for God, in their journeys of personal tragedy and spiritual fulfillment, each desiring to share the grace and love that underpins their lives with the people they meet along the way.
The Documentary
Radically Loved - a documentary about faith, love, hope & rock'n roll from Chris Cuhls Medienproduktionen on Vimeo.
Screening License Fees
If you wish to organize a public viewing of this film, we would be happy to grant you a screening license under the following conditions:
– up to 50 seats or viewers EUR 35.00
– up to 100 seats or viewers EUR 49.00
– up to 250 seats or viewers EUR 75.00
– up to 500 seats or viewers EUR 125.00
– over 1000 seats or viewers EUR 195.00
Included in the fee is a license for a one-off screening. GEMA fees must either be paid directly (www.gema.de), or a framework contract must be worked out with them. Should the public viewing, for instance, be organized within in a church event, the GEMA fee might already be covered by a framework contract.
To obtain a screening license, please simply contact Christopher Cuhls via email: info@radicallyloved.de.

„It’s all about wholehearted involvement in the things you believe,“ says Reuben. „My wish is that every time we praise God we would touch His heart and from this Bond receive the strength to change the world.“
Reuben Morgan has a passion to see the church and the world inspired to worship God. As a pastor on the Hillsong church leadership team, Reuben works alongside Darlene Zschech. He is an integral leader of the Hillsong church worship team, teaching often in the Worship and Creative Arts program. Leading worship on a weekly basis at Hillsong church, Reuben was the Youth Music Pastor who helped establish ‚Hillsong United‘ – currently one of the most popular youth praise and worship bands. He was one of the major producers on four of the United albums including ‚Everyday‘, ‚Best Friend‘, ‚King Of Majesty‘ and ‚To The Ends Of The Earth‘. Reuben has written many songs over the past eight years including ‚Lord I Give You My Heart‘, ‚My Redeemer Lives‘, ‚Hosanna‘, ‚ Hear Our Praises‘, ‚I Adore You‘ and ‚You Said‘, which feature on numerous albums, many of which have achieved gold sales status around the world. Many of today’s most successful Christian artists have recorded his songs, including Michael W. Smith, Jeff Deyo, Rita Springer and Robin Mark. Reuben is Australia’s premier Christian songwriter with four of his songs in the top twenty songs most sung in Australian churches. Reuben loves the church and believes that he has a responsibility to use his God-given gifts in leading praise and worship, and writing songs that encourage people to encounter God. He believes that part of his call is to equip and release a greater understanding of worship worldwide. He is married to Sarah and they have a son.
More information: www.reubenmorgan.com or www.hillsong.com

Florence was born to sing. As a four- year-old she sang her first solo in a children’s musical. Right from the beginning, she knew how to captivate her audience, be it as a singer in a Hamburg Gospel choir or on various children’s CDs. Over the years she got several offers from producers interested in her talent. „But the opportunity to seriously work on a career in music never really came along. Then my choir director encouraged me to participate in Star Search,“ says Florence. „I thought: This is definitely worth an experience.“ In the end, Florence won the German version of the TV show on 20 May 2004.
„God is hope and my hope is Jesus, which is why the title of my album is Hope,“ Florence explains. The album was released in July 2004. In 2008 she got married to the singer Thomas Enns.
More information: www.florencejoy.de

Noel has been involved in the UK Christian music scene since the age of 15. In the early years, he worked full-time as an associate with British Youth for Christ. Over the last 20 years, he has mainly been involved in leading worship and, together with his wife Tricia and others, has written many worship songs. Perhaps the best known of these is ‚All Heaven Declares‘.
In 1986, Noel began to get envisioned about large worship events taking place in football stadiums. This resulted in him organizing ‚Champion of the World‘ at London’s Wembley Stadium, with an attendance of almost 45,000, making it the biggest contemporary worship event ever staged in that venue. Since 1997, Noel and his team have set their sights on stadium events in other nations. On 15 July 2006 the Calling All Nations event took place in the Berlin Olympic Stadium, Germany.
Having produced a number of solo albums since 1986, Noel has also collaborated with two other worship leaders, Wayne Drain (USA) and Brian Houston (Ireland). Together they recorded and toured under the band name ‚The Hudson Taylors‘.
More information: www.noelrichards.com

Faith, hope and rock ’n‘ roll. Not three things you’d immediately associate with each other. However, with Onehundredhours they merge into one story, one sound.
Onehundredhours started by chance – a one-off gig that led to their first tour in California – but the grand design is evident since then: 2 independent releases selling more than 16,000 copies with no major distribution or support, and 2 releases with Survivor Records described as „blistering“ and „something of a masterpiece“. Their hectic touring schedule has taken them all over the UK, as well as to Hungary, Norway, Finland, Holland, Denmark, South Africa, Romania, Canada, India, Australia plus several tours in the United States. They have had hundreds of gigs in front of tens of thousands, a live experience often described as simply ‚life changing‘.
Tré is married to Tori and they have two children. The band is actively involved in the battle against HIV/AIDS in Africa in collaboration with Engage HIV AIDS and iThemba AIDS foundation, bringing hope to people infected with the virus.
The name Onehundredhours:
The band’s name comes from the average amount of free time a Christian has each week, inspired by the book ‚The Other Hundred Hours‘, by Wyn Fountain. There are 7 x 24 = 168 hours in a week. If you spend 8 hours a day sleeping, this makes 7 x 8 = 56 hours per week. So, subtracting the time spent sleeping, this leaves 112 hours a week. 12 hours is about the maximum time one spends in church, at bible studies or youth groups. That leaves 100 hours of free time. What the band wanted to say is that these 100 hours need not be without God, but instead that worship should be a lifestyle that is reflected in all our time.
More information: www.onehundredhours.com

iThemba is a multiracial theater group made up of young South Africans. They present a message of hope through racial healing and reconciliation. In schools and youth clubs, they put on drama, perform choreographed dance moves and share about how God has touched them in their own lives. They work closely with Youth for Christ, Germany.
More information: www.ithemba.de
Crew & Production
Dennis Jackstien
Michael Schubert
Sara Walz
Janina Huettenrauch
Carsten Meier
Robert Gummlich
Jens-Michel Kalb
Digital Visual Effects
Christoph Olschewski
Titel Animation
Henning Lüthje
Colour Correction
Lutz Többens
DVD Programming & Subtitles
Marc Schomerus
DVD & Logo Design
Laura Lehmus
Ulf Ronneberger
Live Recording at Calling All Nations
Paul Burton
Sound Engenieers
Gabriele Richter
Gregor Müller
Christoph Gottert
André Wirsig
Torsten Hemke
Location Manager
Ulrike Pflanz
Mareen Wendt
Ilaria Duggento
Kenneth Tschersich
Heinz Reichenecker
Andreas Kebernik
Executive Producer
Christopher Cuhls
Janina Huettenrauch
Recording Format: | DV-PAL; 16:9 (Letterbox) |
Original Language: | English (4 protagonists), German (Florence Joy) |
Locations: | Eastbourne (UK), Berlin/München/Tostedt (D), South Africa |
Release Date: | December 2008 in Germany |
Length: | 71 minutes |
Special Thanks to:
cfnet e.V. (Sammy Wintersohl) – www.cfnet.de
LoI/xpand e.V. (Wolfgang Weidner) – www.xpand.eu
Calling All Nations e.V. (Noel Richards, Gerhard Kehl, Christoph Stang) – www.callingallnations.com
GOD TV – www.god.tv
ZDF – football championship 2006 – tv church service – www.zdf.de
Sat.1 „Star Search“ 2004 – www.sat1.de
YAM Magazine – www.my-yam.de
Kingsway & Survivor Records (Stephen Doherty, Les Moir, Adrian Thompson) – www.survivor.co.uk
Bibel TV (Beate Busch, Alexandra Beitz, Andreas Schletter) – www.bibeltv.de
Five Lines Inc. (Richard Langton) – www.fivelines.com
Artistmanagement Jarzombek (Veronika Jarzombek)
Youth for Christ e. V. (Daniela Sudmeier) – www.yfc.de
Gerth Medien (Barry Guy, Birgitt Neumann, Wencke Timm, Anja Seitz) – www.gerth.de
Sweetspot Music (Ulf Ronneberger) – www.sweetspot-music.com
g2 Mobile (Paul Burton, Mark Wilson) – www.g2studios.com
treetree (Cornelius Schock) – www.treetree.de
natom productions (Nathanael & Benjamin Wendt) – www.natom-productions.de
cine plus Media Service (Andreas Martin) – www.cine-plus.de
Larry Cooper (Laura Lehmus) – www.larrycooper.de
Twenty4pictures (Lutz Többens) – www.twenty4pictures.de
Mschomerus Media Services (Marc Schomerus) – www.mschomerus.de
Jugendclub Manege Berlin (Wolfgang und Martha Janzer) – www.fusionstreet.com
All translators and bonusmaterial authors for discussion guideline!
Christine Maaß, Peggy Seiler, Julia Bürzele, Anna & Sara Cuhls

Premiere Cologne

Premiere Berlin

Calling all nations


In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International acts as an advocate for children, releasing them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enabling them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.
Founded by Rev. Everett Swanson in 1952, Compassion began providing Korean War orphans with food, shelter, education and health care, as well as Christian teaching.
The child sponsorship program is:
– Christ centered. Each child has the opportunity to hear the gospel in an age-appropriate and culturally relevant way.
– Child focused. Engaging each child as a complete person, treating them like people in the West would want their own children to be treated.
– Church based. Compassion partners with churches, parents and communities – to teach, train and mentor children.
– Committed to integrity. Compassion is dedicated to delivering excellent programs with complete integrity.
Today, Compassion provides child development aid to more than 1 million children in 25 countries. Each country office is staffed by natives of the respective country. The child development program reaches four main regions of the world: Africa, South America, Central America/Caribbean and Asia. Compassion works exclusively with local churches in developing countries.
More information: www.compassion.com
Engagehivaids.com was set up by Onehundredhours in 2004. It is a web-based community created, in partnership with the iThemba AIDS Foundation, to raise awareness for the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa. The ultimate goal is for the band Onehundredhours to inspire, challenge and equip young people to live their lives with hope and love, actively bringing about change for people affected by HIV/AIDS.
HIV has infected more than 42 million people worldwide. By the end of this decade this number will have reached 87 million. Predictions suggest that by 2030 there will be over 40 million orphans in Africa alone. When confronted with such overwhelming statistics, it is all too tempting to simply ’switch the channel‘ and ignore the crisis.
Engagehivaids.com offers the possibility of a different response. Inspired by faith and motivated by love, they believe the tide can be turned. They seek to bring hope to lives that are far too familiar with despair by connecting people around the world who, at any level, want to make a difference.
iThemba AIDS Foundation is a UK-based charity bringing hope to people affected by HIV and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. The name – ‚iThemba‘ – means ‚hope‘ in Zulu.
They work in partnership with locals who want to respond to the crisis that is devastating their communities. Local partners provide physical, emotional and spiritual care.
More information: www.EngageHIVAIDS.com
Worship Journal is a resource for all Christians, containing music, video, art, photography, poetry, teachings and much more to inspire you in your worship and help you grow in your relationship with God.
Worship Journal gives an opportunity to both established and unknown worship songwriters. If you write a song, this is the place to share it – together with chord charts, sheet music and lyrics. Get your work seen, heard and used, and find material from others to use in your own church.
Worship Journal believes that worship is more than just music. Their site provides opportunities to join forums where users can share their knowledge and experiences. There are also event listings for everything from church services to concerts to conferences, helping you find other Christians, locally and around the world, to worship with.
The goal of Worship Journal is to be a community where individuals, churches, worship teams and pastors equip themselves and each other for worship.
More information: www.worshipjournal.com

Calling All Nations was a worship event that took place on 15 July 2006 in the Berlin Olympic Stadium. The motto was „Calling the youth of the world and the young at heart to a day of worship and prayer“. The goal was to bring Christians from many different countries together to worship the true King Jesus Christ at this historical place. On this day – almost exactly 70 years after the Olympic games of 1936 – 22,000 Christians from 30 nations came together to worship Christ. It was a day where new visions were born and hope was revived. Noel Richards was the initiator of this event which was broadcasted worldwide through the radio and TV networks UCB and GOD TV.
More information: www.callingallnations.com
Chris Cuhls Medienproduktionen
Christopher Cuhls
Am Nordpark 17
50733 Köln
Mobil: 0179 – 518 81 28
Mail: info@radicallyloved.de
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